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News Yogi Virtual Yoga Studio
Recently Added Classes
Yoga to Pause in Chaos [60 min] (61:35)
Meditation through Movement [60 min] (61:30)
Using breath to slow down and decompress [30 min] (33:19)
60 minute movement to heal stress, emotions and anxiety (61:26)
Yoga for Journalists: 60 min flows
Chakra Flow to Restore Whole-Body Energy [60 min] (57:25)
Loosen the hips and emotional constrictions [60 min] (61:26)
Open the heart and flow through emotions [60 min] (62:40)
Check in with HOW you're feeling (63:34)
Can't pinpoint what you're feeling? Try this! [60 min] (60:01)
Low-back Tension relief (59:56)
Listen to your body after traumatic news (62:52)
New Year, more self-trust (61:19)
Looking to new beginnings and balancing through journalism (62:15)
Open your heart and find your voice before a big news story (62:52)
Long News Cycle? Get sweaty and moving to flip perspective (62:04)
Walk it out, shake it up and get moving (59:18)
Bored of sitting? Get moving! (59:40)
Reconnect to breath when you feel alone (59:41)
Release tension and root back to yourself (64:20)
Loving kindness and releasing shoulder tension (51:54)
Re-energize and send love to the legs (60:32)
Heart opening flow focused on heart chakra (60:20)
Twists to release frustration and constriction (43:51)
All seated sequence to move and root to self (60:30)
Yoga for Journalists: 30 Minute Flows
Practice to indulge in self-care [34 min] (34:50)
Reclaiming your Power [30 min] (32:22)
Slow flow for Anxious times [30 min] (28:16)
Release energy and open your heart [30 min] (35:09)
Breathe into chaos of news [30 min] (33:57)
Lengthening hamstrings to reconnect to self [30 min] (32:54)
Restorative yoga for grief and loss (30:11)
Yoga in chaos of news (33:31)
Restorative reconnection to rebuild inner trust (32:00)
Twist and release what doesn't serve (31:13)
Shoulder opening and backbends to open heart (33:43)
Quick flow before long news day (23:05)
Tired legs? Create space and open hips (32:47)
Don't feel like doing anything? Try 20 minutes on your mat (20:10)
Post-Election Restorative Yoga (30:46)
Chair yoga to meditate and loosen the kinks [38 min] (38:29)
Feeling stuck? Reset and open to a new year and your future self (31:20)
Relaxing feeling impossible? Do this quick flow! (31:58)
Worried about the future? Stuck in the Past? Breathe into the present moments (65:16)
Leave behind old patterns in the New Year [37 min] (75:29)
Meditation for Journalists
8 min STOP meditation when you have anxiety (8:09)
15 min Forgiveness Meditation to deal with journalist criticism (14:48)
6 min Loving Kindness Meditation to help when covering race (9:32)
12 min Grounding & Loving Kindness Meditation for when you've had enough (12:44)
11 min box breathing to relieve stress (11:34)
10 min to find peace after traumatic news coverage (10:32)
14 minute future self meditation (14:25)
Restorative and Slow Flow
Restorative yoga for grief and loss (30:11)
Restorative Yoga after Heavy News Coverage (30:46)
Restorative yoga for inner trust (32:00)
Slow flow for Anxious times (28:16)
Yin Practice to Slow Down and Rest [30 min] (32:02)
Newsroom, Field & Desk flows
5 minute desk flow for when you've been sitting for hours (5:31)
8 min face massage to help when you didn't get enough sleep (8:58)
Work from Home? Enjoy 30 min of chair yoga (38:31)
Yoga to help during high-stress news coverage
Shake out after Covering Crisis [30 min] (34:26)
Restorative Yoga after Heavy News Coverage [30 min] (30:46)
Yoga to Pause in Chaos [60 min]
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